Image is everything. Great minds discuss accomplishments, average minds discuss events, and small minds discuss ideas. To help dispel the misconceptions about urban America, we have created PURE SOUL.
What is Urban America but opportunities?
PURE SOUL magazine, a national quarterly publication with a projected distribution of 100,000 by December 2026, is designed to become the leading resource focusing on urban America, by highlighting success in community development, social awareness and personal growth.
PURE SOUL magazine will promote trendsetters in art, fashion, business, music and entertainment.
These elite urbanites, living in our major cities, such as, Los Angeles, Chicago, New York, Atlanta, Miami, and Dallas will provide engaging lifestyle editorials in fashion, art, music, business and entertainment that will inspire and motivate our readers to tackle life’s cultural and social challenges.
PURE SOUL magazine is the ideal means to achieve your advertising goals. We are located in the heart of New York City. Our goal is to reach readers 21-35 in the United States, eager to fulfill their dreams. We are available to discuss corporate sponsorship as well as great advertising opportunities.
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