“Sidewalk Closed” Not This One!
How many times have you turned the corner to find the sidewalk is closed and you have to cross the street to get to your destination?
On one of the worst weather related nights of the year, we happen to come across a “SideWalk” that was not closed. To our pleasure, this delightful, cozy café was open for business. As we made our way to the open “Sidewalk Café – Bar & Restaurant”, we didn’t know what to expect. The moment we entered SideWalk we were greeted with an amazing ambiance of dimly lit lighting, abstract arts, and log-cabin style tables and matching benches. The staff was wonderfully responsive to our every need, the manager of SideWalk Cafe also gave us the opportunity host an impromptu interview with upcoming music artist “Isumlar”.
SideWalk’s cuisine and beverages were great, if you are in the area, don’t forget to try their Southern Style BBQ wings and “Avenue A” their signature drink. For you burger lovers, you can’t miss with SideWalk’s signature burger. If you dare to venture a little further to the rear, you will find to your surprise, an open-mic stage room filled with amazing artists eager to showcase their talents. If you happen along a closed sidewalk, remember “SideWalk Bar & Restaurant” on Avenue A and the corner of E. 6th Street (East Village – NYC), is always open. www.sidewalkny.com
By: Ronnie Spencer