Drew Vision, born Andrew McCreary is a native of Long Island, NY. The first child of a pianist father and percussionist mother, music is a part of his DNA. As an exceptionally perceptive youth, Andrew began his musical quest at age 5 singing in his church choir where he realized his love for music as well as the ability to inspire a community with his voice. Soon Andrew’s career path was solidified, not for stardom or notoriety but for his realization and acknowledgement of the power of music and it’s incredible possibilities.
During his first year of college majoring in music, Andrew met up with a local overwhelmingly concentrated group of talent by the name of TheVAMP. After beginning his musical journey with TheVAMP, Andrew soon evolved into Drew Vision. Becoming an involved activist addressing his concern for the world’s environmental issues in his personal life, he also began recording relevant, forward thinking material that soon evolved into heart stirring thoughtful masterpieces. Calling on an array of musical influences from Stevie Wonder to Mozart, Drew Vision and his music are constantly evolving, tapping into uncharted musical territory.
Drew Vision is more than a name, more than one person. He, himself has a vision of his place in this world and is using an innate blessing of voice and composition to make a difference.
courtesy of —
ASM – U.S.A.